Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 14

Breakfast was fried eggs over leftover SP fries, and tropical salad of fresh pineapple, raspberries, and coconut.

Lunch was leftover hamburger over lettuce with homemade mayo, tomato, and avocado with a side of fresh baby carrots.
Dinner was grilled balsamic chicken with fresh bruschetta, and apple slices with almond butter.  And an IZZE cuz it was date night and we're cool like that.

Thoughts on today:
The end of week 2! Can you believe it? Time is sure flying!  Chicken did not sound that great for dinner, but once we started eating it, it was really good.  I think it's hard on the weekends because we're used to going out to dinner both Friday and Saturday nights, especially for date night.  I'm glad we cooked at home and these cravings will go away soon! Day 14 is still part of the "boundless energy, now give me a dang Twinkie!" zone where you're feeling great, but cravings are still there.  At least I haven't had any dreams about anything yet. :)
I'm ready for the tiger blood to hit this week.  Bring. it. on.

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