Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 28

The last day of Week 4!
Breakfast was an egg scramble with bacon and fresh tomato, half a grapefruit, and cashews with dried pineapple flowers.
 Lunch was leftover lemon pepper drumsticks with buffalo sauce and a side of broccoli and baby carrots.  And a cute little juicy doughnut peach for dessert. 
Every payday my boss brings in cookies for everyone and she's been bringing me in fruit instead.  This doughnut peach is from her.  She's the best.

During grocery shopping we got hungry so we had a Larabar for a snack.  That chocolate chip cookie smell in the produce section at Costco will kill me one of these times.  Our bakery is right next to the produce and the smell is intoxicating!

Dinner was Asian turkey burgers with lettuce and tomato, homemade sweet potato chips, and Rainier cherries.

Thoughts on today:
It's the end of week 4! Grocery shopping today was a little weird because we only have two days left of strict Whole30 and then we'll be incorporating dairy and grains (and sugar) back in.  So it was more of a normal shopping trip with yogurt and cheese in the mix with a lot of produce. BUT, we steered clear of processed food, especially junk food so we have made progress in the past 28 days!  This month really has flown by and I am a little scared for Whole30 to end but know that there is life after Whole30.  Two days left to be strong and to keep up good habits that will hopefully keep when we reach day 31.

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