Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 21


Breakfast was a little fancy this morning.  I made some crab cakes, poached eggs, and Hollandaise sauce.  I had some pickled asparagus for a veggie to but they were super nasty.  I wasn't sure if the crab cakes would be any good, and by themselves they were not great, but with the eggs and sauce they were delish! Might have them again tomorrow!

Lunch was leftover steak and everything with roasted rosemary carrots and a bowl of strawberries in coconut milk.  And I only ate half of what is pictured which means more leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

Dinner was Wow Burger after picking up my hubby at the airport!  SOOOOO happy to have him back!

Thoughts on today:
The end of week 3! Only one full week left and then the final countdown.  And then the rest of forever to keep up good habits.

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