Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 20

Breakfast was leftover sweet potato pancakes with almond butter and cinnamon apples, and chicken apple sausage.
Sweet potato pancakes goodness! Even if you don't do a Whole30, you should make these pancakes.  They were delish!

Lunch was leftover pot roast with carrots and green beans, and a bowl of berries with almonds and coconut.

Dinner was a salad with pulled pork, cucumbers, salsa, avocado, and dijon vinaigrette.
Thoughts on today:
Today was a better day.  Things still aren't peachy at work and I wish that I could just vent everything out on here but I really can't.  Just know that drama was started when I asked for a simple update on a daily task that didn't get done by another department.  It wasn't meant to be contentious, it was only meant for information but it turned into a ton load of unnecessary drama.  If I wasn't leaving work in September when Dustin graduates, I would have put in my notice this week.  Blarg.  But that is all besides the point of this blog, so moving on....
Sorry my food pics look gross sometimes.  The best things will occasionally photograph the worst.  And I just use my iphone for all these pics so you can't expect a WHOLE ton out of them.
Other than work drama, and Dustin being gone, life is peachy! Meal plan is done for next week but I'll post tomorrow.  I'm not going to pick up groceries until Monday because we still have plenty of food and because we like to grocery shop together. :) SOOO glad Dustin will be back tomorrow!!!

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