Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 30

It's day 30.  The day 30 of Whole30.  The last day.  The finale.  Can you believe it's been a whole month? Me neither.  Let's take a look at how we closed this bad boy out. 

Breakfast was sweet potato hash browns with fried eggs and spiked monkey salad.

Lunch was a leftover Asian turkey burger, sweet potato fritter, pickle spears and Rainier cherries.

Dinner was crab cakes with smoked paprika mayo, roasted garlic artichokes, steamed baby carrots, and strawberry slices.

Thoughts on today:
This doesn't feel like the end.  And it shouldn't be! And it won't be! While we won't be doing a strict Whole30 forever, we have good habits in place that we will continue to use.  And lots of recipes that we love and will have frequently.  I still want to use good quality meat, organic produce, and stay away from processed food.  And sugar.  For the most part.  I don't want to be one of those people who says I eat super healthy ALL the time and the next thing you know, I'm shoving a doughnut in my face.   But that doesn't mean that I won't be eating an occasional sweet treat.
I won't say that doing Whole30 was super easy, but I also don't think it was that hard.  Giving up gluten for 2 months before starting this was a good start.  When I gave up gluten I was no where near ready to give up sugar or dairy.  But after a while, I knew that I could do Whole30 and while we weren't perfect, I feel like we did a pretty great job. 
We'll see how the transition to real life goes... and try to not go too crazy this weekend. :)

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