Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 18

Breakfast was an egg and veggie scramble with salsa, half a chicken apple sausage, 1/4 an avocado, and a banana.  And then my breath was terrible from the egg scramble or salsa or something so I had a pack of Strawberry fruit chews.  (I told you I miss gum a whole lot!)

Lunch was a taste of the rainbow!  Strawberries, roasted rosemary carrots, pulled pork with dijon, salted cucumbers, blueberries, and an Izze.  It was a big lunch and I was stuffed!
Dinner was a small plate of leftover steak and everything and half a grapefruit.  Nothing really sounded good, except pancakes.  I may or may not have to do a pancake SWYPO this weekend...especially because there's nobody here to stop me...

Thoughts on today:
Today was a weird day.  Not for Whole30, just for life in general.  There was drama with Dustin's graduation announcements and the school (which is now sorted out), and it was a short day at work so I could take Dustin to the airport.  And I just wasn't that hungry.  Which seems weird cuz it sounds like I ate a lot today, but I really didn't.  They were small portions and filled me up completely.  Portion size is kinda hard to photograph.  All the drama from the announcements fired me up and I wasn't hungry for lunch so I didn't eat until mid afternoon.  It was just a weird day.  But it's over so hooray!
In general we feel like we are getting fuller with less food.  That has to be a good sign, right?  Just means we have a lot of leftovers that I will get to eat all the rest of this week. :)
Here's hoping tomorrow is not so weird!

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