Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 17

Breakfast was the usual: fried eggs with SP browns and spiked monkey salad.

Lunch was leftover lemon artichoke chicken with a side of baby carrots.

Dinner was a twist on a family favorite "steak and everything" served over SP fries, and a side of Persian cucumber slices.

Thoughts on today:
Today was a good day.  We even did a little workout playing Just Dance for a while and got a nice sweat going on.  I think that might be my go-to activity while Dustin is gone the next few days.  I'm sure the downstairs neighbors hate us but meh, they'll get over it, we're exercising!
A coworker at lunch today asked me if I'm a cook because my food always smells so good.  Best compliment ever!  I love that all we're adding are spices and herbs to make our food so delish.  No artificial sauces or marinades, just real food.  I kinda can't get over that so I'm sorry if I keep saying it.
We're feeling better about not having to snack as much.  I might have already said that in a previous post... I'm also trying to eat less fruit, even though I love fruit sooo much.  I only had some with breakfast this morning so I am improving!
The real test will be the next few days when Dustin is gone and I am home alone.  Good thing we've hidden all the junk food so it's not easily accessible!  Self control will need to be at an all time high.
It was nice to moderate a family favorite meal and make it compliant.  It's usually pretty compliant but we nixed the usual cheese and bread bun, and used our own spice blend instead of a premade packet. 
I keep telling Dustin that "this is the new us".  We'll see how long that lasts in two weeks when the 30 days are up. :)

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