Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 25

Breakfast was a banana with cashews and scrambled eggs with SP browns.

Lunch was Red Robin with my love.  We enjoyed a Keep it Simple burger lettuce wrapped with avocado and a side salad.  And yes, I did put a teensy dijon dressing on it.  I don't know what was in it, I don't know if it was compliant, but it was just a teensy tiny bit so we're calling it close enough.

Dinner was steak with sauteed mushrooms and grilled zucchini.
Thoughts on today:
I was hoping that all those cravings I had yesterday would go away but I have even more today like peanut butter M&Ms and all sorts of sweet treats.  It's hard to think that this will be over in 5 days and to decide what to eat after.  We will probably be taking a week off while family is here and we are vacationing with them but maybe taking a break wouldn't be good for me.  Good thing I have a few days to get it figured out!

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