Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 29

Breakfast was steak and eggs with sauteed mushrooms, cashews, and strawberries.

Lunch was dijon chicken salad with cashews, pickle spears, and raspberries and peaches.

Dinner was Jaegerschnitzel (breaded pork cutlets with mushroom gravy), sweet potato fritters, steamed broccoli, and an Izze.

Thoughts on today:
It's strange fixing sweet potato hash browns tonight knowing that it's the last day tomorrow morning.  We feel great and have a good routine down. It still surprises us that even when we're super hungry, it doesn't take much to fill us up anymore.   I know things won't be exactly the same day 31 but I am excited to see how much weight we lost and to try out all the healthy habits we've gained. Maybe once this is over I will spend some time posting our favorite recipes we've had and favorite finds in our shopping. One more day!

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