Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 15

Breakfast and lunch did not exist today because we fasted our first two meals.

We had an Izze and a Larabar for a snack to end our fast while dinner was cooking.  And an awful lot of water to make up for the rest of the day.
Dinner was pot roast with carrots, green beans, and onion and a side of sweet potato.  Then a spoonful (or two) of strawberry coconut butter and a handful of raspberries for dessert. 
I didn't eat all this, just a spoonful or two.  Just take some coconut butter and sliced strawberries, blend together in a food processor.  A tasty little treat!

Thoughts on today:
We are halfway through! Today was a fasting day and usually when we fast, we make sure to have a midnight snack the night before, then we end our fast around 3 because we're so hungry and cranky. Not the case today! We didn't have any snacks after dinner last night, and we didn't end our fast until 5 and still felt great.  Just another confirmation that good nutrition fuels your body better than junk.
I saw a recipe for "2 ingredient paleo BBQ sauce" that was just tomato paste and balsamic vinegar... so I tried it to see if it would go well with our pot roast.  It was NASTY.  Do yourself a favor and don't try it.  Our pot roast was amazing without any need for any sauce or gravy.  I love how food is tasting so good.  It's changing our relationship with food in a very good way!
Now to prep for breakfasts this week!

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