Saturday, May 17, 2014

Meal Plan Week 1

Here's the meal plan for week 1.  I'm trying to keep myself accountable with daily updates including recipes.  Basically my dinners will all be made with enough for leftovers the next day.  SP= sweet potatoes AB= Almond Butter.  I'll be adding in fresh veggies/fruits, Larabars, and Stretch Island fruit leathers as needed.

1.       SU:
a.       B: omelet with mushrooms, peppers, onion, zucchini, avocado, salsa; monkey salad
b.      L: egg salad lettuce wraps, pickles; apples and AB
c.       D:  turkey meatballs and spaghetti squash with marinara sauce; asparagus
2.       M
a.       B: eggs with skillet SP; banana
b.      L: turkey meatballs and spaghetti squash with marinara
c.       D: chili, avocado; salad- veggies and  salsa
3.       T
a.       B: eggs with skillet SP; banana
b.      L: chili leftovers
c.       D: sausage stuffed zucchini boats
4.       W
a.       B: eggs with skillet SP; banana
b.      L: sausage stuffed zucchini boats
c.       D:  balsamic chicken; cauliflower mashed pots
5.       H
a.       B: eggs with skillet SP; banana
b.      L: balsamic chicken; cauliflower mashed pots
c.       D: taco salad
6.       F
a.       B: eggs with skillet SP; banana
b.      L: taco salad
c.       D: Kabobs with lemon Dijon marinade
7.       S
a.       B: omelet; monkey salad
b.      L: kabobs
c.       D: Chipotle

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