Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 1

Breakfast was an egg omelet with mushrooms, onion, and zucchini topped with fresh salsa and avocado, accompanied with a bowl of raspberry spiked "monkey salad" (banana slices, cashews, coconut flakes).

Lunch was an avocado egg salad served on lettuce leaves with apple slices and almond butter.

Dinner was Spinach Turkey Meatballs with roasted spaghetti squash and marinara sauce with a side of steamed asparagus seasoned with ghee and freshly ground garlic salt.

Definitely a delicious day! Dustin and I both agreed we could eat that omelet every Sunday for the next month.  The monkey salad was a nice treat and I loved the raspberries in it. 
Avocado egg salad was an easy mix of hardboiled egg, avocado, chopped spinach, dijon mustard, freshly ground lemon pepper, and sea salt. I'd love to try it in a grilled zucchini boat!
Ghee is an amazing thing.  Even though it's not butter, it still has a great taste.
Now it's time to prep breakfasts for the rest of the week...

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