Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 5

Breakfast was half a grapefruit and scrambled eggs with salsa over a sweet potato hash of sweet potatoes, onions, green pepper, and chicken apple sausages.  I thought it sounded good when I made it, but I had a hard time finishing it this morning.  I didn't really care for the hash (now I know and don't have to make it again), and found that I really just wanted to eat the grapefruit.
 After breakfast I felt a little sick and was not in the mood for zucchini boat leftovers (that tend to be a little squishier in texture the next day).  Dustin suggested we do lunch together since we didn't get to on our normal Wednesday, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to eat anything.  I had my spiked monkey salad to test the waters and felt better after that.  We went to Chipotle for lunch.  I've read that a lot of people like Chipotle on Whole30 and we knew just what to get to make it compliant- a carnitas salad with pico, medium salsa, and guacamole. It tasted good, but I got full halfway through.
I forgot to take a picture until I was halfway through but you've seen this salad 4 times already so nothing new here. :)

This afternoon I felt sick again and didn't know if I could stomach dinner, especially not ground beef of any sort.  I decided I would make dinner for our company and just have a Larabar as that sounded ok and would be at least SOMETHING.  Our company ended up calling us to say they would be much later and to not worry about dinner, so we revised once I got home from work and ended up making lemon pepper chicken, roasted rosemary and garlic carrots, and sliced strawberries.  The chicken was nothing fancy and it would have been better if it had been marinated, but hey, I made a real whole food meal and didn't end up with the Larabar! Success!
Dustin had a headache again today, but I felt great.  A little tired, but we stayed up til 1 AM last night so that's on us, ha.  I'm so happy that my fridge is stocked with good whole foods so that when something planned doesn't sound good, there is something else ready and waiting to substitute in.  I promise that we really don't eat out every other day, but we do eat out at least one dinner and one lunch.  Lunch together once a week is important to me because it's a time we can connect together during the hectic week when we feel like we never get a chance to see each other.  Maybe as time goes on we'll cut out one of those eating out meals, but I think that as long as we're making good choices and being careful to find compliant places, I'm fine with it.
Now I have chicken marinating in basil balsamic goodness for tomorrow night and am getting excited to meal plan tomorrow for week 2.

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