Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 8

Breakfast was half a grapefruit and an egg scramble with onion, mushroom, green pepper, and zucchini topped with fresh salsa.  I should have added some avocado too but forgot. 

We had a late breakfast and a few hours later (around noon) I was hungry again so we had a little snack of pickles and a Crio Bru "smoothie" with a little frozen banana, almond butter, and ice.  But it was mostly Crio Bru. The banana and almond butter added a good sweetness to cut the bitterness of 100% cocoa and I liked adding fruit to it.  The ice was a little chunky (we REALLY need a Blendtec!) so it had a little chew factor which was kinda refreshing and satisfying, but would be better without.  Another SWYPO on this one? I dunno.  Something has to be added to that Crio Bru to make it drinkable so I say no. :)

Lunch was late (around 3) since our whole schedule was off.  I started making the Philly steaks and had the onions and peppers cut up and was working on cutting a sweet potato long wise to make sweet potato "toast".  After slicing my finger we gave up on the sweet potato and put it all over lettuce, added fresh salsa, and avocado.

Dinner didn't happen until almost 8.  We had pork chops, steamed broccoli with ghee and garlic salt, leftover cauliflower "mashed potatoes", and cinnamon apples cooked in coconut oil for a treat (they were super good!).  And then I got hungry a little later so I had a cherry Larabar.

Thoughts from today:
I woke up this morning and felt like I was run over by a truck.  I expected to feel sore from the hike yesterday but man, this was bad.  Also, my uterus hates me (no surprise there based on the past 5 years of infertility and miscarriages) and I had such bad cramps that I almost felt like puking.  So we stayed home from church and read General Conference talks that we missed back in April and took it easy (with ibuprofen and a rice pack). After breakfast and taking a nice hot shower my body felt better from the hike's soreness, so at least that helped a little.
I can't believe I was so dumb to use terrible knife safety and cut my finger like that.  It's a pretty deep cut, but we don't think it's bad enough for stitches so Dustin bandaged it up and it feels fine now.  Good thing he's almost a doctor!  I'm so appreciative of him and all he did today to help with food prep.  He finished off lunch while I cried all hormonal on the couch (I think I was in shock too), helped with fixing dinner (especially anything that needed knife work), and is doing the dishes right now.  I married a good one!
I know I need to cut back on the fruit. They recommend 1-2 servings a day and we seem to have 2-3 continually.  I'm starting to like veggies more so hopefully that will help in starting to sub in veggies for snacks instead of fruits, but I wouldn't count on it this week. I know I was emotional and hormonal and felt bleh today, but I really missed having homemade popcorn while watching a movie and dangit, some chocolate sounds real good.  The Whole30 general timeline says these cravings will happen over the next week so I'm just going to have to hang in there.
Now I just need to get steaks for tomorrow night marinating and then we'll be off to bed after this icky day!

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