Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 11

Breakfast was SP browns with a chicken apple sausage and monkey salad.

Lunch was a Chipotle carnitas salad, extra meat, split between the two of us.

Dinner was grilled veggie kabobs and Italian sausages, fresh pineapple, and then fruit snacks and leftover strawberry ice cream from Monday night because we were still hungry (our dinner had no fat so the ice cream was fulfilling that requirement- justified).
Yep, that's SYTYCD in the background. Hooray for the best summer tv show!
Thoughts on today:
While yesterday I was the very hungry caterpillar, today I wasn't very hungry at all until dinner and then I was super hungry, but that could have been because we didn't eat until way late. 
My finger is healing nicely! I will probably end up with a nice little scar.  
Don't have much else to say about today.  We felt good, it was just a crazy busy day.  And the next few days are when cravings are bad too, so I'm not looking forward to that.  After we get through this week we should start to feel the "tiger blood" so just a few more days and the magic will take over! Woot woot!  If we're feeling good now and it only gets better, I can't imagine how awesome we will feel next week. :)

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