Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 9

Breakfast was two fried eggs over steamed asparagus, prosciutto bacon, and half a grapefruit.  I wanted to make a paleo hollandaise sauce and do poached eggs but I needed something easy with my finger.

Lunch was leftover balsamic basil chicken, baby carrots, and diced avocado with lemon pepper.
Dinner was grilled steak using this marinade, sauteed mushrooms, grilled zucchini and an Izze (it's a holiday!). For dessert we made a SWYPO strawberry ice cream made with just strawberries, one banana, a smidgen vanilla, and a can of coconut milk.  It was so good and the perfect Memorial Day Monday night treat! And this week I will try much harder to not make any SWYPOs. 

This morning I felt better, still a little icky in the morning, but by the afternoon I felt much better.  Dustin went to Walgreens to get more bandaids for my finger and a brace so that I won't bend it.  The cut is right above my middle knuckle so when I accidentally bent it, it hurt like crazy!
We went to a movie today and only had water.  The couple next to us had a big old bag of popcorn and a big old soda and I couldn't help thinking- that was us.  We always got popcorn and soda and I missed it, but I know it's for the best. 
I asked Dustin today what he misses the most and he said pizza.  I miss cheese.  Then we grilled up dinner and holy smokes, it was SO good!  Steak night can replace pizza night in my book. :)  Even though steak is a little pricy, it's cheaper (and more delicious!) to make it at home than if we were to go out for steak at a restaurant.  Cheaper even then buying a good pizza! So this may have to be a weekly meal.
It's back to work tomorrow which means I need to prep more SP hashbrowns and eggs tonight.

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