Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 3

Breakfast was SP hashbrowns and 2 fried eggs (again, prepped from Sunday) and a strawberry/pistachio/coconut concoction I thought might be good.  The pistachios were SO salty and it was overpowering all the strawberry goodness.  I brought some coconut milk for my chili at lunch so I poured a little of that on the concoction and it made it much better.
 Lunch was leftovers from last night- Chocolate Chili and baked sweet potato with spinach.  I had a meeting scheduled during my regular lunch hour so I had to eat a little earlier and wasn't super hungry.  I had my sweet potato and spinach but only a little of the chili.
Dinner was  a lettuce wrapped burger with avocado at Wow Burger. 
There were no headaches today which I was very happy about! I wasn't super hungry either. I  had a banana and apple and almond butter packed for snacks today but didn't need them at all as I couldn't even finish my chili at lunch.  But by the late afternoon as I was leaving work, I was SO exhausted. (Maybe I've skipped to the "I just want a nap stage ha".) I did not want to cook dinner once I got home and just wanted to go to sleep! But we had errands to run and Costco/Target shopping to do, so we decided that Wow Burger would be a good safe option for dinner. 
They have all natural, hormone free meat and they are pretty tasty.  They also have sweet potato tots that we almost got, but then I made a smart choice and asked to see the ingredients in them... 2nd ingredient was sugar! Yikes! So glad we didn't get them.
After dinner I felt great! A lot more energized and ready for our shopping. 
Now I'm off to prep that sausage so it's all ready for grilled zucchini boats tomorrow night and I will have no excuses... this also means my menu planning is all moved out one day :)

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