Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 4

Breakfast was something new and different! No eggs! A chicken and apple sausage, half a GIANT grapefruit that was super juicy and sweet, and spiked monkey salad.  Some sweet potato hash would have been good too, but I was satisfied with this.
 Lunch was avocado egg salad lettuce cups, pickle spears, and an apple with almond butter. I was so full by the time I got to my apple so I only had half of it.  It was a monochrome meal but it was delicious!

Dinner was Grilled Stuffed Zucchini Boats with 1/4 an avocado.  We had some extra sausages that we grilled up and ended having those too.  Then we finished my apple with almond butter so it wouldn't go to waste.

Today I felt pretty great! A little sleepy this morning but that was only while I was listening to a webinar about AP automation so... there's my answer. :)  Day 4-5 is the "Kill ALL the things!" day on the timeline.  And it was true.  It was a crazy and busy and long day at work and when things would get a little hectic, I got a little crazy.  And anxious.  And stressed.  I got a little snappy at a coworker and had to apologize before she left. I know I can't blame my actions on Whole30, but I do think it played a part in my emotions.  Good thing I can recognize my wrongs and make amends. 
Company comes tomorrow and I can't decide what to make for dinner.  The official plan was taco salads as that's a normal meal that's easily Whole30 compliant, but it doesn't sound good right now... and moving the meal plan out a day from last night puts chicken and cauliflower mash tomorrow night.  Any suggestions for serving company dinner?

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