Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 2

Breakfast was sweet potato hashbrowns with 2 fried eggs and raspberry spiked monkey salad.  I cooked the SP hashbrowns in TJ's coconut oil and it was so good!  I read today that TJ's is unrefined so it keeps that coconutty flavor.  I've seen some posts where people can't stand it but I loved it.  Sunday night I cooked enough hashbrowns for a few days so they will probably be a regular feature for breakfast. This set of bananas were getting a little past their prime of when I can stand to eat them, but sliced into the monkey salad they were perfect!
Lunch was leftover Spinach Turkey Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash.  This was a filling lunch but I definitely got hungry in the afternoon!
Dinner was Chocolate Chili.  Confession time.  I have never in our married life made chili.  Also, I may have never even made chili in my LIFE. I have never liked chili because I don't like beans.  Legumes are off the menu during Whole30 so when I found this chili recipe that is Whole30 compliant, I thought it sounded interesting, so we gave it a go.  It was delicious! I followed the crockpot directions and then kept it in the fridge overnight and let it stew in the crockpot all day.  We added a light drizzle of canned coconut milk, half an avocado, and fresh cilantro.  I also made a baked sweet potato and topped it with ghee, salt and pepper, and fresh chopped spinach.  Monday night means dessert, right? I finished the meal with two big strawberries, diced them, and added coconut milk.  It was a real sweet tooth fix that I will have to save for special occasions because it could easily get addicting!
 I woke up this morning with a little headache that got a little worse as the morning went on.  I've heard that this is completely normal as your body is getting rid of all those processed junk food/sugar high toxins. In fact, I looked up the Whole30 timeline and know what to look forward to the next few days as my body detoxes.  Day 2-3 are known as "the hangover". The headache went away around 11:00 after my morning walk break, but then came back around 4 ish and has been off an on ever since.  Time to drink more water! Though pretty sure I have been drinking an awful lot of water all day long. 
I also felt kinda weak this afternoon, like I wasn't eating enough.  They don't recommend snacking during the day as that is a bad habit, so I will have to make sure my meals are nice and filling, and then have Larabars stashed at my desk for emergencies.
It was nice to have most everything for today cooked from yesterday.  One rule I'm going to have to keep is to do dishes after every meal because they can quickly pile up! Good thing I have a dishwasher named Dustin to help out. :)
The weather was supposed to be rainy and 60's today but ended up being a beautiful blue sky in the upper 70's.  Good thing we're grilling the rest of this week!

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