Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 12

Breakfast was a tropical fruit salad of fresh pineapple, banana, and strawberries with coconut flakes and 2 fried eggs over SP browns.
Breakfast with a side of work

Busy day today!
Lunch was leftover grilled sausage with veggies, a few pistachios (I didn't eat them all because they didn't taste that great to me), and a Blueberry Muffin Larabar.

Dinner was coconut crusted chicken fingers with avocado mango salsa (which looks gross in picture, but tasted really good!) and rosemary and garlic roasted carrots.

Thoughts on today:
I don't have much to say about today.  We're feeling great! Work was a busy day, but I had good energy and feel like I got a lot done.
The big boss came into my office while I was eating breakfast and saw my bowl of fruit and said, "Breakfast? Looks healthy."  I thought it was kinda funny.  It WAS healthy, and it was also delicious. :)
I feel like my body composition is definitely changing and I wish I could weigh myself to see if I've lost anything, but the rules state that you can't weigh yourself again until it's over.  I even had Dustin hide the scale on day 1 so I wouldn't be tempted to cheat.  I think that our energy and overall good feeling is an excellent sign of progress!

We're changing up this weekend's menu a little to use up some produce that we have before it goes bad.  Looking forward to meal planning and getting organized for the next week tomorrow.

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