Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 10

Breakfast was half a grapefruit, SP browns with scrambled eggs and prosciutto bacon crumbles. 
Lunch was steak and grilled zucchini leftovers, baby carrots, and apple slices with almond butter.

Dinner was lemon pepper buffalo wings, grilled asparagus, and strawberry spiked monkey salad.  I saw an instagram post from the Whole30 group and it used Franks Red Hot Original sauce and it got me really excited to make buffalo wings! I used the lemon pepper marinade, but not the sauce.  If the red hot sauce is too hot for you (it is for us), dilute it with some melted ghee and heat together.  Way to go Franks for having a sauce with real ingredients that I can pronounce!

Thoughts on today:
I felt like the very hungry caterpillar today, but I kept strong and didn't even snack! Just ate a little bigger meals (added a fruit and fat) and felt good with those.  Days 10 and 11 are known as "the hardest days" and people are most likely to quit on these days.  I still feel great about this lifestyle and there's nothing I miss enough to quit.  Dustin really misses sugar but this shall pass. :)  Our energy is up and we just feel good in general!
I used free range chicken drumsticks from New Seasons for dinner and they were SOOOO good! So juicy and meaty and awesome! I'm excited to try our free range chicken thighs later this week.  New Seasons is also where we got our steak from that was super good.  I haven't bought a ton of fresh meat from the butcher before, but I thought the prices were very good!
I guess I don't have much else about today.  I think I will try to post some of my favorite finds so far and helpful hints in meal planning and making a shopping list.  Would anyone who's thinking of doing a Whole30 be interested in these kinds of things?

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