Monday, November 24, 2014

Round 2 wrap up

I have been TERRIBLE posting about Round 2.  Apologies for that. 
Round 2 ended up not going as originally planned.  About half way through I applied for and accepted a job offer in a whirlwind of a few days.  It totally threw off my meal planning, meal prepping, and meal making for the rest of the 30 days.  So really it was more of a Whole14.  Since then we have been doing our best just to make sure we are even cooking at home.  Work ruins everything, my carefree mornings of The Price is Right, Just Dance, and Whole30.  But I am grateful that I got this job and am liking it so far (despite my strong feelings against going back to work). 
So sorry. 
We will be back on a HARD CORE Whole30 bandwagon starting in January. 
We'd start sooner, especially considering that it's basically doctor's orders for my newly discovered Hashimoto's and hypoglycemia, but it would be just too hard during the next month between Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner parties EVERY week, and then Christmas.  So January it is. 
I know that Whole30 is super important and I need to develop a lifelong habit of clean eating.  I'm not perfect, but I'm trying. 
In the mean time I'll try to post some of the recipes we've really enjoyed that are all Whole30 compliant.

Stay tuned!

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