Friday, January 16, 2015

Spicy Cocktail Sauce

I was in the mood for some shrimp with cocktail sauce. I love the spicy cocktail sauce at The Melting Pot and their recipe is in their cookbook (which I definitely have).  I cleaned it up Whole30 style and I think it turned out pretty awesome.
I used Alanna's recipe for the ketchup (Planks, Love, and Guacamole), but added quite a bit more water to get the right consistency.  Use more or less horseradish to get the spiciness to your liking.  I like it spicy. :)
Hope you like it too!

Spicy Cocktail Sauce

1 cup ketchup
1 tsp Coconut Aminos
2+ Tbsp horseradish
Juice of 1 lemon
Hot red pepper sauce to taste

Add everything in a bowl and whisk until combined.  Cover and chill until ready to use.
Brianne Signature.png

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